Rockford Construction projects
Rockford Construction Project Portfolio
Browse our vast collection of past and current Rockford Construction projects. Our veteran expertise and incredible attention to detail make for a polished product again and again.
Experience that Shows
Rockford Construction provides a depth of knowledge and expertise in Value Engineering to lower project costs while increasing project value. Over the years, Rockford has completed in excess of $500 million worth of General Contracting work. Our team at Rockford is dedicated to bringing the best quality and service to each and every project.
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Rockford Construction has completed many projects through the years. See our expanded portfolio based on your project type.
Rockford Construction Combines Brand Name Products and Materials with National Buying Power
You need a general contractor that will exponentially increase your development productivity. Some general contractors make it harder, not easier, to complete your residential construction. Irreputable general contractors often lack effective communication skills, efficient processes, and a true commitment to the client. Don’t make it harder on yourself. A reputable general contractor, like Rockford Construction, is the key to a smooth, productive, and successful construction or real estate development project.
It takes more than just smarts to run a successful general contracting business. Not only does Rockford Construction have in-depth knowledge from decades of experience, the Rockford team is dedicated to their mission. Each team member is loyal and has been with the company for over 10 years. The team knows the construction industry inside and out. We work cohesively as a team, united to complete each and every task, big or small. Rockford Construction makes you the first priority, as we ensure your personal touch is infused within each construction project.
Rockford Construction Reviews

“Developing a strong partnership with Rockford has been crucial to the growth of our business and the corresponding delivery of superior quality apartment homes for our active adult residents. We have enjoyed collaborating with the Rockford team to redefine 55+ living.”
Jane Arthur Roslovic CEO & Co-Founder
Treplus Communities

“I have worked with Rockford since 2000 on numerous construction projects, both single-family and multi-family, and in all this time, Rockford has consistently provided honest pricing and high-quality construction, plus they are good to work with. They know what standard you’re hoping for and they deliver it. You can’t ask for much more.”
Roy Lowenstein Project Developer
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I access a contactor’s portfolio?
Most contractors now have digital portfolios usually posted on their website. If they do not, they will happily show you via email or when you set up a consultation.
What should be included in a contractor’s portfolio?
A contractor’s portfolio should have many examples of their past work; the more they have, the better. Pictures are key to a portfolio and you should not have to hunt for them. The portfolio should also include basic information about each construction project, which could include location, year built, cost, and length of project.
What is the difference between a contractor’s bid and a proposal?
Bids are used when the scope of the construction project is clear and often outlines the project in more detail than a proposal. Proposals are oftentimes more persuasive, as in the contractor may include testimonials and past work to sway you to hire them.
What is a contractor’s bid?
A contractor’s bid is an offer to a customer to estimate the cost of a project and the projected end date.
How do you assess a contractor’s construction portfolio?
When assessing a contractor’s portfolio, first glance over the entire portfolio and jot down a couple notes about your first impression. What industries do they work in? What does the quality of their work look like? Then dive deeper into the portfolio and try to find a construction project that is similar to yours. How does that look? Would you be satisfied with the end product? Make note of any questions that pop in your head for later discussion with the contractor.
What is a contractor’s portfolio?
A contractor’s portfolio is a tool to showcase past and current projects. Contractors can list their areas of expertise and you can determine if they have adequate experience for your construction project.
Going the Extra Mile in Construction Services & General Contracting
Rockford Construction believes Green communities are becoming increasingly important to home builders and municipalities. Green projects are better for the planet and are an important aspect of improving local communities as well as the environment globally.
As Green projects flourish, impacting the economy, construction practices, and the overall lifestyle of community members, Rockford Construction is poised to participate as a responsible general contractor at the forefront of Green construction.
Rockford Construction is an established general contractor with years of experience building under the guidelines of the United States Green Building Council LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), Energy Star, and AWARE standards.

LEED Certified Projects
LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is the most widely used Green building rating system in the world. LEED certified buildings save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions and create healthier places for people to live, work and play.

Energy Star®
Energy Star® is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency, providing simple, credible, and unbiased information that consumers and businesses rely on to make well-informed decisions.

The AWARE Manual for Sustainable Accessible Living provides building standards and contractor requirements for all residential projects awarded federal funds through the City of Columbus and Franklin County.